Devotional: Trevor van Vuuren
“and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma.” Ephesians 5:2
When it comes to “walking in love” the believer knows they are commanded to do it but feel as though this is the most difficult thing that God could ever ask them to do. Sadly, in most cases, I’ll go so far as to say they feel as if it’s actually unfair for God to ask such a thing.
Today, if you let believers just talk away, you’ll discover that far too many are angry. The way they speak you’d never tell that they’re born again. You’ll hear hate, bitterness, anger, unforgiveness, judgment etc. come out the mouth of far too many believers.
Why is this? Well for one, to be able to meet the requirements of “walking in Love” that God asks is an almost impossible task to them. What they fail to realise is this, He never asked you to walk in Love based on your ability. He knew there’s no way on this green planet you’d be able to do that. He asked you to “walk in Love” based on His ability.
Let’s touch on this topic next week. I promise you it will free you up and put a smile on your face. Enjoy your Friday.
Remember, faith comes by hearing, so keep on hearing.
Devotional: Trevor van Vuuren (Part 2)
“and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma.” Ephesians 5:2
Last week we started off our Friday devotional talking about “walking in Love.” We spoke how people look at their own deficiency and think to themselves how it’s virtually impossible to “walk in Love.” We also mentioned how God never expected you to “walk in Love” in your own strength.
That’s like hiring a car mechanic and ordering him to work, yet you refuse to provide tools for him. As customer after customer bring their cars in for a service, he stands one side feeling helpless because he doesn’t have a car lift, a pit, a trolley jack, spanners etc. To crown it all, you have the audacity to shout at him because he hasn’t started servicing any cars yet. That would be a very unjust thing to do.
As much as a hired mechanic comes to a well organised garage with all the tools he needs to service customer’s cars, God has set us up by depositing His Love on the inside of us. He looked at our ability to Love and said don’t worry about trying to use that, here I’ve got something better.
“Such hope [in God’s promises] never disappoints us, because God’s love has been abundantly poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.” Romans 5:5 Amplified Bible.
So don’t stress anymore about pleasing God by trying to “walk in Love.” Put your ability aside, yield to His Love that’s in your heart in abundance and use it! You’ll find out it’s not such a burden to “walk in Love” after all.
Have a BLESSED Friday, use this weekend to practice using that Love on the unlovely.
Remember, faith comes by hearing, so keep on hearing.
Devotional: Andrew van Vuuren
“And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love.” 1 John 4:16
To believe that God truly loves us takes more than a simple acknowledgement on our side, it takes faith.
In the Gospels, Jesus said that God is a Spirit. This means that everything that He has for us is first and foremost spiritual. When we take God at His Word and receive those things that are freely given to us, it manifests in our natural. The Love of God is no different to any other promise we find in the Bible, it is received by faith.
Many people are quick to agree that God loves them. However, when they go through various storms, they are the same people that are quick to turn on God and blame Him for their misfortune. Why is that? This is because they are merely agreeing with the Word mentally and there is no faith involved.
What we truly believe will come out of us when the pressure is on. If you truly believe God loves you, you will be giving Him praise in the eye of your storm even when the situation looks hopeless. To you, it looks hopeful as you know He loves you and help is on its way.
Grow your faith in the area of the Love of God by feeding yourself on the Word of Love. As you begin your weekend, do it knowing that you are loved.
Remember, faith comes by hearing, so keep on hearing.
Devotional: Meagan van Vuuren
The How-to Guide on walking in Love...
“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. (1 Corinthians 13:4-8 NIV)
Ever wondered how to walk in Love? Well, this above scripture is a picture of what Love will look like if it were in action. You just need to strive to walk each one out every day towards yourself and others and the more you work at each one and learn to perfect it the more you will become what you were always meant to be - A Love Being. You become just like your Father, who is Love Himself. The more you surround yourself with Him the more you will become like Him, and you become like Him when you do what He does, and do it deliberately.
Make it your daily task to work at being more patient and more kind, to not hold grudges, to forgive, to speak with a loving tone to people. If you want people to treat you differently you have to be different.
Go after the Love life with everything in you and watch how everything and everyone changes around you.
Remember Faith comes by hearing so keep on hearing.
DEVOTIONAL: Meagan van Vuuren (Part 2)
Love is Patient:
Last week we spoke about 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 on being the guide to walking in Love and how we are to follow that guide. I want to break it down so you can see how to implement it into your everyday life and to train yourself in the Love life.
Picture yourself as a person who doesn't get irritated with people, no matter how consumed with themselves they are even if it’s effecting your quality of life. Patience allows you to not get angry when things aren't going the way you planned. Imagine yourself as a very understanding person, making it easy for you to operate in patience, because you are considering the other person. To be patient makes you pause and evaluate everything before acting. You understand that not everyone is walking in the same wisdom and knowledge so they do things differently. Love always considers the other person.
You see patience or working to be more patient really improves your quality of life and it ministers to the people around you. Every day we are given opportunities to exercise patience; whether it be a car pulling in front of us or someone walking really slowly down an isle blocking the walkway, or believing for something and it not manifesting at the time you had expected. How do you act in these situations? Patience knows to hold back and remain still.
Let’s work every day to not be moved by opportunities to be impatient because it only robs you of achieving your goal of walking in Love.
Remember Faith comes by hearing so keep on hearing.
Devotional: Trevor van Vuuren
Have you noticed there are far too many immature people around? Today they are referred to as a “Karen.” The sad thing is, there are way too many “Karen’s” in the Body of Christ. Did you know that this is not okay with the King of Kings?
Saying “God knows my heart” is an excuse for them to carry on being a Karen.
Is there a cure for this brother you may ask. Of course there is, it’s called “walking in Love.”
The Apostle Paul makes a clear distinction between those walking in Love and those who don’t. He calls them Karen’s and the mature - 1 Corinthians 13:11.
When you make a conscious decision to yield to the Love of God, Paul says “you put away childish things.” If you put it away, that means “no more Karen!”
Do you get on your high horse far too quickly? Are you quick to think the worst of someone or a situation? Are you short tempered? While God doesn’t condemn you, He isn’t okay with that.
Make the decision to put away childish things today and yield to love. The more you yield to it, you’ll see less of those immature ways. And before long, you’ll be just like the Apostle Paul and say “I matured and have put away childish things.”
Enjoy your weekend, spend your time “putting away childish things”
Remember, faith comes by hearing, so keep on hearing.
Devotional: Andrew van Vuuren
“A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.”
John 13:34-35
Did you know that under the Old Covenant, the Israelites had 613 commandments to keep? Yes, you read correct! Under the New Covenant, we just have one commandment to keep and that is to walk in love.
You see, when you walk in love, you will not kill. When you walk in love you will not steal. When you walk in love, you will not cheat etc. Every other commandment is kept automatically when you walk in love.
When you receive God’s love by faith, that compassion towards others will begin to grow on the inside of you and you will begin seeing others through the eyes of Love Himself.
There is no better time than right now to begin receiving His love by faith.
As you start your weekend, smile, knowing that nothing can separate you from the love of God.
Remember, faith comes by hearing, so keep on hearing.
Devotional: Andrew van Vuuren
“We love because He first loved us.”
1 John 4:19
Did you know that we as Christians are love-enabled? It’s true! Years ago as I was studying out the love of God, I heard the following in my spirit: “You are built to love!”
We are able to love others because God loved us first and gave us His love. Romans 5:5 says: “And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.”
It’s great news to know that our love walk with others isn’t dependant on our ability to love others. Our love for God and for our neighbour is based on the Love that God has already poured into our hearts.
If you really want to walk in God’s love toward others, all you need to do is to develop your faith in it.
As you start off your weekend, do it in the love of God. Speak the following out loud: “I am built to love, I am a love creature. I love God with all of my heart, all of my soul and with all of my mind and I love my neighbour as I love myself.”
Have a BLESSED weekend filled with the love of God.
Remember, faith comes by hearing, so keep on hearing.
Devotional: Trevor van Vuuren
“and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.” 1 Corinthians 12:31 KJV
In 1 Corinthians 12 the Apostle Paul went into detail about the gifts of the Spirit and the various administrations. It’s amazing to see the Spirit manifest in a service and I’ve experienced it myself such as the gift of the Word of knowledge, the gift of the Word of wisdom or miracles, tongues, interpretation of tongues etc. but despite all these amazing administrations of the Spirit, Paul says “I show unto you a MORE excellent way!”
Wow, let that soak in a bit.
Are you telling me there’s something far greater than all these supernatural manifestations of God you ask?
Of course there is, when we go into the next chapter which is chapter 13 we read what that more excellent way is – it’s LOVE! Did you know that you’ll never see those gifts if you don’t yield to that more excellent way? Did you know you’ll never hear prophesies if you don’t yield to that more excellent way? Did you know tongues will cease if you don’t yield to that more excellent way?
It’s because the Spirit that administers them is the Spirit of LOVE! No wonder Paul said that LOVE was the GREATEST at the end of chapter 13.
“And now abideth faith, hope, LOVE, these three; but the greatest of these is LOVE.” 1 Corinthians 13:13
Have a BLESSED weekend and make it your priority to yield to the MORE EXCELLENT WAY.
Remember, faith comes by hearing, so keep on hearing.
Devotional: Andrew van Vuuren
“So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.” Isaiah 55:11
Imagine where your life will be one year from now if you keep speaking that you walk in the love of God! Imagine using every day as an opportunity to speak that you know and believe how much God loves you and that you love Him and love your neighbour.
The love walk is so much more than merely keeping your mouth closed even though your flesh has certain things to say in various situations. The love walk is a lifestyle where you keep loving others regardless of the way that they behave toward you.
To step into the love walk, you need to put God’s love Words into your mouth and call those things that be not as though they were. Will all the words you speak in faith come to pass over night? No they won’t. However, they will begin working the first time you speak them.
Just like the faith walk, the love walk is a journey and it requires one to be faithful, diligent and patient. So start off your weekend by going in the love direction.
Have a love-filled weekend.
Remember, faith comes by hearing, so keep on hearing.
Devotional: Trevor van Vuuren
“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another.”
John 13:34
Did you know that walking in Love was for our benefit? One day I was out visiting and when I entered this person’s home the TV was still on. It was a secular show and the guy talking sounded like a motivational speaker. He was in no way a preacher, but he mentioned something so interesting that I’ve never forgotten it.
He told the people in the audience that they basically needed to work on being more loving. He went on to say that medical science has proven that people who were always uptight, angry, bitter, hate etc. proved that their DNA was constricted. He said the medical industry said when their DNA had shrunk or tightened up, it opened them to sickness and disease. However, the reverse was impressive. When they were loving, kind, gentle etc. medical science noticed that their DNA was relaxed and lengthened out. This put them in a place to be healthier, stronger immune system, living longer etc.
So who knew that when Jesus commanded us to Love, it was for our own benefit.
As you enjoy your weekend, commit to getting your DNA relaxed by walking in Love.
Remember, faith comes by hearing, so keep on hearing.
Devotional: Trevor van Vuuren
"Beyond all these things put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity."
Colossians 3:14
People tend to automatically think that walking in Love is one of the hardest things to do. But you know how they got to that place? They fed their mind that negative thought enough times to the place where it became a strong hold.
Did you know that you have authority over your mind? Did you know you can reroute the patterns of thought your mind runs on? It’s as simple as saying it with your mouth. Remember the words of Jesus?
“Therefore take no thought, SAYING”
Matthew 6:31 KJV
So how do you “take” a thought? You take it by saying it. That’s when you own it.
You’re not helping yourself when you say things like “It’s just so hard to walk in Love, It’s impossible to Love so-and-so, I hate it when…, Loving people is not easy, I know I’m supposed to forgive BUT”
Those words continually spoken are framing the parameters of your mind to where it becomes a stronghold. Before long you’ll believe it with everything in you.
Instead, do what Colossians 3:14 says and PUT ON Love. Start saying “I’m a Love agent, walking in Love is one of the easiest things for me to do, I’m always quick to forgive, I’m a gentle person by nature, I enjoy Loving people the way God does.”
If you get those kind of words in your mouth long enough, by the end of the year you’ll see a BIG change.
Have a great weekend framing your mind with your words.
Remember, faith comes by hearing, so keep on hearing.
Devotional: Andrew van Vuuren
“And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love.” 1 John 4:16
Have you ever wondered why a large percentage of the Body of Christ experiences failure? This question has definitely crossed my mind many times before.
The failure of many Believers never used to make sense to me as the Christian is connected to a loving Father that proved His eternal love to us by sacrificing His only Son to wipe away our sin-riddened past. While I was young spiritually speaking, the answer to this problem remained unknown until I experienced a certain health issue.
My problem could not be solved with medical science as the doctors couldn’t even diagnose me so I did the right thing and turned to God for the solution.
I began believing God directly for my healing but as time went on, I knew something was wrong as my healing was not manifesting. During that time I was doing all I knew to do but didn’t see any results so I stopped praying for my healing and began seeking God for an answer as to why my healing wasn’t manifesting.
After a few days of prayer, the LORD told me that I didn’t believe He loves me! At once I dropped everything and began researching how much the Father loves me.
To cut a long testimony short, I did receive God’s love and shortly after that my healing did manifest because my faith was set free. The LORD revealed to me that believing Him for the healing was never the issue, the issue was that I didn’t believe He loved me enough to heal me.
Free up your faith from today onwards by receiving God’s love by faith.
Have a love-filled weekend.
Remember, faith comes by hearing, so keep on hearing.
Devotional: Marius Hattingh
“[O] brethren beloved by God, we recognize and know that He has selected (chosen) you.”
1 Thessalonians 1:4 Amplified Classic
Children of God should not try to find their place in the world. In this world, we are the ones that need to stand out.
Not only do we, the children of God need to stand out by the way we speak but also by the lifestyle we live.
We should not be struggling to make ends meet or struggling to find our place. God has already chosen us and as a result, He has already blessed us, delivered us and provided for us.
This is why we should not try to find our place in the world as we already have our place and it is in Him. We also don’t have to go out there to find acceptance as Love Himself has already accepted us.
Always remember, the one’s that God chose, He already blessed, delivered and provided for. You have already been chosen by Love so stand out from the rest of the world by receiving His Love and walking in Love.
Remember, faith comes by hearing, so keep on hearing.
Devotional: Andrew van Vuuren
“We know what real love is because Jesus gave up His life for us.” 1 John 3:16
Have you ever heard people say “God doesn’t love me?” Was there a time when you perhaps said it? Regardless of the circumstances that led up to that conclusion, that statement is completely untrue. If Christians can just spend time reading their Bibles, they will see the truth.
John 3:16 is possibly one of the most popular scriptures in the New Testament, it says: “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
That verse of scripture isn’t just about other people, it is about you too! God loved you so very much that He sacrificed His only Son to take away all of your sin so you can become His child. Glory to God!
That right there is a beautiful picture of God’s eternal love for you! There might be times when you feel unworthy or worthless but to God, you mean the world to Him.
As you begin your weekend, do it receiving His love!
Have a love-filled weekend.
Remember, faith comes by hearing, so keep on hearing.
Devotional: Trevor van Vuuren
“But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.” Matthew 5:44-45
To Love your enemies and pray for them that persecute you certainly does not make sense to the world, but Jesus said when you do that YOU MAY BE CHILDREN OF YOUR FATHER IN HEAVEN.
Think about that for moment. How many people are quick to call themselves children of God, but have never a day in their lives loved their enemies or prayed for their persecutors. Now they may tell you they’re children of God, but do you seriously think they’re fooling God? Do you want to try fool Him? You won’t get anywhere.
A real child of God doesn’t just talk the talk, they walk it too. Remember, what the Apostle John said in 1 John 2:6?
“Those who say that they live in him must live the same way he lived.” GOD’S Word Translation.
The real acid test for yourself is this, will you complain and curse your government or will you pray for the leaders and Love them? How about Julias Malema? That applies to your parents-in-law, people whom you’ve helped and those same people were just plain ungrateful and always passed remarks etc.
It’s moments like this that define us from those who just honour Him with their lips yet their hearts are far from Him.
Let us at Trevor van Vuuren Ministries be those who may look like sheep going to the slaughter, but no in all these things we are MORE THAN CONQUERERS THROUGH Christ who Loves us. Romans 8:36-37
Remember, faith comes by hearing, so keep on hearing.
Devotional: Andrew van Vuuren
“And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have aught against any; that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses. But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses.” Mark 11:25-26
Have you ever noticed that the Christian can be selfish at times? When they get out of line by sinning, they want the Father to forgive them of their sins yet they won’t forgive those that have wronged them.
Immediately I am reminded of a parable in the Bible that Jesus shared about a servant that owed the king a lot of money. This servant pleaded with the king to have mercy on him and the king ended up forgiving his entire debt. This same servant however would not forgive the debt of a fellow servant and word got back to the king about this. The king was so angry at that servant that he had his guards throw that servant in prison and had him tortured until every last cent was paid back.
The king called that servant wicked, I want you to remember that. We as Christians should not walk in wickedness, we need to be quick to forgive as God was quick to forgive us – This is how the world will know that we are the children of God.
As you start your weekend, get the following confession in your mouth: “I am quick to forgive and I forgive as God has forgiven me!”
Have a lovely weekend filled with love and forgiveness.
Remember, faith comes by hearing, so keep on hearing.
Devotional: Trevor van Vuuren
“Love does no wrong to one’s neighbour [it never hurts anybody]. Therefore love meets all the requirements and is the fulfilling of the Law.” Romans 13:10
Amplified Classic Edition
Can you possibly wrap your thinking around such a statement? “Love does NO WRONG to its neighbour, it NEVER HURTS ANYBODY.” Did you know there will be believers who will actually argue with you about this? They’ll say “no that’s not what he meant, you’re taking it out of context.”
Actually it’s exactly what he meant. There’s no wrong doing or hurt going on in Heaven. Yeah, but that’s Heaven you may say. No, it’s the people that are in Heaven and we have the Love of God on the inside of us this second. You actually have the ability within you right now to never wrong or hurt ANYBODY while you’re here on earth.
However, before you reject that and think it impossible, you’ve got to LET THAT MIND BE IN YOU!” Once you spend enough time studying out the Love of God, you’ll come to a place where you can actually see the possibility of never wronging or hurting anyone again!
Once you’re there, you can just go ahead and act out on it. When you act out on it, you’re yielding to the Love that’s already on the inside of you right now. When that happens, that Love will flow! When it flows, it won’t be just a mere emotion. You’ll experience what Jesus did when He was on earth and they’ll say the same about you they did Him. They’ll say how you were moved by compassion and your days of wronging or hurting will gradually fade away into the distance, never to be seen again.
As you go into your weekend, why not dream or ponder over the possibility of never wronging or hurting someone again. We love, speak faith and pray over you all.
Remember, faith comes by hearing, so keep on hearing!
Devotional: Andrew van Vuuren
“Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. Charity never faileth.”
1 Corinthians 13:4-8
You might be familiar with 1 Corinthians 13, which is all about the character of love but I would like to draw your attention to verse 8: “Charity (love) never faileth.”
Why doesn’t love fail? This is because love thinks of the next person. When you love others, you put everyone’s needs above your own. When this happens, you get our Father involved and He in turn, will put you first.
A selfish person only puts their own needs first and by doing this, they close the door to The Blessing of the LORD.
A selfish person has already received their reward, but when we walk in love, our Father who appears to be secret, will reward us openly.
As you begin your weekend, do it with a considerate heart. Open the door to our Father by putting the needs of others first.
Have a loving weekend.
Remember, faith comes by hearing, so keep on hearing.
Devotional: Trevor van Vuuren
So many people don’t comprehend that Love is an action word. They’ll casually say how they Love their spouse or kids but then don’t follow it up with the action. They don’t prove their Love! You see, when God said He so loves the world, He did something about it. He proved it by giving His one and only Son.
Why did He do that? His answer? So that none may perish but all who believe may have everlasting life.
In order for us to be the salt of the earth we have to action our Love words. Don’t just say “yes I walk in Love” and don’t ever use it. That’s when you’re no longer salty. This is what the world does every single day
Speaking faith words of Love and acting out on those words will pull the Love of God to the outside from within you.
So, every time someone curses you, respond by BLESSING them, when someone hates you, respond by doing good to them. When someone despitefully uses you or persecutes you, respond by praying for them.
Every one of those ACTIONS are responses of Love! Every time you ACTION Love, your Love walk goes up a notch. You are the one getting stronger.
So, the next time something happens that gets your back up, before you let your mouth take your tongue for a walk in the wrong direction, use that opportunity to muscle up on your Love walk. Action that Love, and before long you’ll see for yourself the benefits of not just talking the talk, but walking it too.
Remember, faith comes by hearing, so keep on hearing.
Devotional: Trevor van Vuuren
When it comes to 1 Corinthians 13 most believers only focus on verses 4 through 8. Some focus on those particular verses for study purposes. There’s nothing wrong with that, however I like to focus on the whole chapter.
I especially love the first 3 verses. Why, you may ask? It’s in those first 3 verses we see how people are doing things in their own strength.
For instance, tongues without Love is just the sounding of brass or a tinkling cymbal (no power). Take a look at faith, even though it’s supposed to remove entire mountains, without Love that mountain won’t budge (no power). Even if you give to the poor, because it’s not Love motivated, you won’t see all the possibilities that would have come had Love been present (no power).
Can you see the missing factor? Can you see how big a role Love actually plays in our every day life? Can you see it’s the life source of everything? Well of course it is because Love is God (1 John 4:16). Take God out the picture and tongues, prophecy, faith, giving etc. all of it won’t work!
Can you now see how important it is for you to walk in Love? If you walk in Love, essentially, you’re yielding yourself to God. When you yield to God, He’ll be active wherever you go.
Your tongues won’t make you sound like a jazz novice anymore, your prophecy you deliver won’t fall to the ground, your faith will fling mountains into the sea with ease and your giving will be power packed and won’t feel like you’re going to miss those pennies you used to part with. You’ll give far larger amounts and it will come back to you as fast as you’re giving because it’s now Love motivated.
As you head into your weekend, spend some time thinking on the value Love actually has and spend time thinking on how you’re going to include it more in your own life.
Remember, faith comes by hearing, so keep on hearing.
Devotional: Andrew van Vuuren
“And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.” 1 John 4:16
As you already know, the world loves the idea of superheroes. Hollywood capitalized on this by creating untold amounts of movies based on multiple superheroes.
We know that every single superhero that appears in movies is fictional, however this doesn’t mean superheroes don’t really exist in real life.
Imagine dedicating your entire life to walking in the love of God. Imagine doing good in a wicked world. Imagine secretly praying for people’s needs to be met. Imagine getting the Gospel out there and helping the poor. By walking in love, you will be walking in God and manifesting Him in the lives of others.
Yes, the superheroes of Hollywood are fake however, there are real superheroes out there. The real superheroes are the ones that walk in the love of God and manifest Jesus wherever they go.
In the words of Peter Parker’s grandmother: “There is a hero in all of us!” So activate the hero in you by walking in love.
Have a heroic weekend.
Remember, faith comes by hearing, so keep on hearing.
Devotional: Trevor van Vuuren
“God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.”
1 John 4:16 King James Version
Making a conscious decision to “walk in Love” puts yourself in a place where you’re actually living in God and God actually living in you. That’s what the Apostle John is saying here.
Now think on this, is there any fear in God? Can you ever imagine seeing dread in His eyes? Do you think He’d jump and shriek if someone jumped out of nowhere to try scare Him? Can you even conceive the idea of Him speaking one word in fear? It’s actually impossible! You want to know why? Because verse 18 says there’s NO FEAR IN LOVE! Well, God is Love so there’s not a trace of fear in Him. It goes on to say that perfected Love casts out the fear!
Imagine that, fear has NO DEFENSE AT ALL to stand against Love. It just obeys and receives its “casting out”…every time!
Now the way you pictured God without fear, can you comprehend that being you? Well, the scripture did say if you Love, you live (not stop by now and again) but actually LIVE IN LOVE WHERE THERE IS NO FEAR!
Can you see the benefit of living a lifestyle of Love? What do you suppose that would do to your faith? How do you suppose that would affect your prayer life? Well, it will get answered a 100% of the time. How do you suppose it would affect your thinking? Do you think you’d still struggle with negative thoughts? Impossible, because unanswered prayer, negative thoughts are all based in fear. If you don’t have fear, why would you not get your prayers answered? Why would you struggle with a negative thought?
As you go into your weekend, start dreaming of how free you really are and pack your bags and get a new address. Move into the house of Love and STAY THERE!
Remember, faith comes by hearing, so keep on hearing.
Devotional: Andrew van Vuuren
“This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth.”
1 John 1:5-6
If you spend any amount of time reading your Bible, you’ll soon notice the following: There is God and the devil, there is love and then there is hate, there is righteousness and unrighteousness (sin), there is The Blessing and the curse etc.
The Bible says that God is Light so obviously the devil is darkness. We cannot get the benefits of the children of light if we continue to walk in darkness as there are no grey areas.
Walking in the light has its paydays and the Bible says that the wages of sin is death. No matter which pathway a person takes, they can expect their payday.
As you start your weekend, I encourage you to begin making small changes in your life. Changes that take you off the path of darkness and onto the path of light. If you aren’t strong enough to turn your entire life around at once, do it in stages. Like the old saying goes: “Rome wasn’t built in a day!”
Have a light-filled weekend.
Remember, faith comes by hearing, so keep on hearing.
Devotional: Trevor van Vuuren
“But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.” Galatians 5:22-23 King James Version
Did you know when you got born again your recreated spirit came with fruit? Just because you’re not experiencing it right now or only on a small scale doesn’t mean it’s not BIG on the inside of you.
However, did you notice there’s not a nasty fruit in the bunch? You might be thinking well how come I never see any of these fruits in my spouse, family members or friends? You’re not supposed to look for it in others, you’re supposed to search for them in yourself.
This kind of fruit is dependent on Love. Have you noticed the name of the first fruit in the bunch? It’s Love! That comes as no surprise. You see, Love is the fertilizer that causes the other fruit to grow.
Would you like to see more joy in your life? How about experiencing a tangible peace, especially around the home. How about tapping into gentleness? All of that good fruit is in you and ready to grow if you just fertilize with Love!
So, next time you’re feeling defeated and hopeless and think to yourself where’s the goodness; gentleness or peace in your life? Instead of looking to others for change, get fertilizing and grow your own fruit! Home grown always trumps store bought any day!
Have a great weekend and get fertilizing.
Remember, faith comes by hearing, so keep on hearing.
Devotional: Andrew van Vuuren
“(as it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations,) before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were.” Romans 4:17
Many believe that knowing and walking in the love of God is to agree with it mentally and to keep your mouth closed even when something or someone irritates you.
The truth is, it is not.
Knowing and walking in the Agape love of God is done by faith as the love of God is a spiritual force and as you already know, a huge part of operating in the faith of God is done by using your mouth.
If you spend time studying out God’s mode of operation (M.O), you will see that He calls those things that don’t exist into existence. All through the Bible God speaks life into dead situations, Sarah’s womb is a great example.
Don’t limit yourself by trying to walk in the Love of God by your own limited ability. Use your faith by filling yourself up with His Word on love and releasing it by the words that you speak.
You might not see results straight away but if you continue to release your faith by the words of your mouth, you’ll soon find yourself walking in a higher level of love.
As you begin your Blessed weekend, do it speaking that you are developing in the love of God.
Remember, faith comes by hearing, so keep on hearing.
Devotional: Andrew van Vuuren
“For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.”
Romans 8:15
It is so heart-breaking that so many Christians don’t take their rightful place at their Father’s table because they believe they aren’t worthy.
Truth be told, all of us were unworthy at one stage of our lives until we made Jesus Christ the Lord and Saviour of our lives. It was Jesus that made us right with God.
Every Christian isn’t a slave to God. Yes, we serve others out of love toward God and to our neighbour, however, we are God’s children.
Romans 8:15 says we have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. Take a moment to let the resonate through your spirit man: We are the children of Love Himself.
When you take your rightful place at the Father’s table, your fellowship with Him will begin to deepen as you won’t see Him as a God that is far away, you will see Him as your very own Dad.
Spend your weekend including the Father in everything, because if it is important to you, it is important to Him. He is so excited to be a part of your life.
Have a lovely weekend with Dad.
Remember, faith comes by hearing, so keep on hearing.
Devotional: Meagan van Vuuren
“Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you.” Deuteronomy 31:8
Isn’t that a wonderful promise from our Father. No matter what you do or where you go, your Father goes ahead of you. When it says that He goes ahead of you it simply means that He has seen where you cannot see and He knows what lies ahead whether it be moving to a different city or changing jobs even as far as picking your spouse.
Your Heavenly Father knows the end from the beginning and Praise Him for that because it means He can protect you from things that we are unaware of.
He loves you so much and just wants to ensure your protection in all decisions as any Father would be, ensuring and advising their children in which way to go and what to do. He has His children’s best interests at heart at all times.
So don’t be afraid and don’t be discouraged for God loves you and He has gone ahead of you to be able to tell you what lies ahead to help you to make the right decisions in all things.
All you have to do is seek Him daily in His Word and in Prayer and allow Him to speak to you. Because He wants to have a conversation with you.
As you go into your weekend, ponder on this thought. God has actually gone before me and knows everything ahead of time and has told me of things to come. Can you get a better guarantee than that?
Remember, faith comes by hearing, so keep on hearing.
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